there never is another "once"

When you have been an audio provider for as long as I have, I can not understand why customers can think they do not need the audio stage of their productions, no matter what their media use. When you think about it, it is almost like putting your hands over your ears, and hoping for the best... Or closing your eyes and hoping you hit the target...where does this idea come from?

It is almost like ..." I hear the audio must be fine..."
Does this mean "that they can see me, so it does not matter what I wear? Or it does not matter if I speak good English?

How can people so easily forget that the reason they are in this business probably is because of a movie that was crafted so well, that it inspired them to work all their life in an industry that questions whether their craft and craftsmanship is necessary?

Well, no matter what is the trend of the day, this fact will always remain, that good communication respects what I call..." the perspective of the first-listener basis". This is my job as an audio provider do everything I can to help the audience get the media's message the very first time! After all, most audiences only watch something the first time, that is, once....then it is gone...because there never is another once.